
  • July 17, 2017
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Risks of Being Uninsured

Sadly, the cost of insurance has risen so high in recent years that many people are unable to afford regular coverage. According to The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, more than 28.5 million Americans were uninsured in 2014, and that number has only risen in the years since then.

Insurance may be expensive, but it’s definitely something you need to consider. There are a number of risks that come with being uninsured, and you may find they are a lot more terrifying than the thought of spending a few hundred dollars each month.

High Medical Bills
Do you have any idea how much medical procedures will cost you? You’re not talking just thousands of dollars, but tens or even hundreds of thousands. Given the high rate of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other disease risks in the country, you can see where we’re going. Without healthcare coverage, you may be left holding a medical bill far higher than you can afford.

Something as simple as food poisoning can cost you upwards of $10,000 (ambulance costs, injections, hospital stay, and the list goes on). Health insurance absorbs the vast majority of medical costs, leaving you with a much more affordable cost for medical treatments.

Families Left Without Income

Many people ignore the option to take out life insurance, believing they won’t need it. Think about this: in the first six months of 2017, 311,000 people died of cancer, 323,000 died of heart disease, 161,000 died of obesity-related causes, and 70,000 died of a stroke. The numbers add up!

You may be perfectly healthy, with no family history of disease, but what about car accidents, natural disasters, or homicides? Without life insurance, your family may be left without income in case of your death. This isn’t to scare you, but it’s something to think about, especially if you’re the sole earner in your family.

Disability Without Pay

Did you know that up to 30% of workers in the U.S. will spend at least 90 days disabled during their working years? Minor injuries, major illnesses, and chronic health conditions can set back your finances and put you in some pretty dire straits if you don’t have disability insurance.

As you can see, insurance has its benefits, and there are serious risks to being uninsured. While it’s easy to believe that you won’t get sick, become temporarily or permanently disabled, or meet an untimely demise, the truth is that you can never be certain what will happen. All you can do is take steps to prepare for any eventuality, and you do so by taking out insurance.
